Daikin Saudi

التصنيفات :
نبذة : Daikin Saudi

هاتف Daikin Saudi

966-11-510 8500

عنوان Daikin Saudi

Riyadh 11434, Riyadh, King Abdul Aziz Road, Al Sahafa Area

صفحات الاجتماعية

معلومات عن Daikin Saudi

Daikin Saudi Arabia (KSA) is one of the oldest & largest manufacturers & suppliers of Air conditioning solutions across Saudi Arabia. With its origins in japan, Daikin has spread the wings across the world with its regional headquarters located in Dubai UAE. Daikin is the pioneer of the VRV technology copied & used by competitors under the brand name of VRF. At Daikin KSA, we have a wide range of products fulfilling the needs of every one; industrial to household. Our Product Range includes Heat pump Systems, Air Purifiers, Air Handling Units, HVAC, Fan Coil Systems, Air Conditioners, Air Cooled & Water Cooled Chillers & many more
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